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Writer's pictureSamara Kitchener

Creating the Space Hub at AIA23

Updated: Aug 29

Our brief for Defence Space Command’s presence at the Avalon International Air Show 2023 was to generate interest in and awareness of the space domain with audiences and highlight the criticality of space to our way of life.  

Over the course of the 6-day air show, a whopping 13,000+ attendees came through the Defence Space Hub. The team at House of Kitch were so proud to conceive, develop, plan and execute this unique activation in partnership with the Defence Space Command team. Check it out in the video below. 

To answer this brief, we devised the “Defence Space Hub” – an eye-catching purpose-built exhibition structure which housed 10 compelling and unique displays, each one loaded with engaging, interactive content to inspire, educate and excite target audiences and highlight Defence Space Command’s strategic direction, vision and operations.  


A large exhibit such as this one took many months in the planning and the House of Kitch team liaised with suppliers of not only Audiovisual elements but also the construction of the building that would house the hub.

Concept Art for Space Hub

The “Space Operations Centre” allowed visitors to get hands-on with real space weather and satellite tracking data, all guided by Defence Space Command’s space operations specialists.

The display also served to highlight Australia’s space capabilities (both current and future), and showcase Defence Space Command’s workforce and key industry partnerships.

The “People of Space” display included a showcase of the exciting space/STEM career pathways that exist today. We collected profiles from staff within the Command to give real life examples of these pathways. We worked with designers to create avatars in an interactive display so visitors could select profiles with a touch of their hand.

A hologram STEM display, featuring Jarli, inspired kids to consider a career Australia’s space workforce of the future, and including a Jarli magazine and mission patch for post-show inspiration. You can read about our work with Jarli here.

We managed the creation of many static and video graphical elements throughout the Defence Space Hub to ensure all facets of this emerging domain were on display. Our prior experience with the Avalon Air Show, taught us that pins and other small items for visitors to collect was part of the culture of the event. The gold pins, keyrings and patches proved to be a hit with visitors young and old.

House of Kitch also managed media enquires in collaboration with Air Force media. We also used the event to launch the Space Command Instagram account, generating 100 followers in that week. While managing this platform as well as Twitter and LinkedIn we published or shared 28 posts during the show with a reach of over 300K.

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